Ajae Clearway - Around Coronado Island

Glorietta Bay Park to Gator Beach
18.6 km (11.6 miles)
5 hours, 54 minutes on 27 November 2020
Observed and documented by Dan Simonelli
- Swimmer
- Support Personnel
- Swim Parameters
- Swim Data & GPS
- Observer Log
- Swimmer Statement
- Photos
- Video
- Name: Ajae Clearway
- Gender: female
- Age on swim date: 49
- Nationality: United States
- Resides: Culver City, California
Support Personnel
- Dan Simonelli - observer / kayaker
- Jess Haas - kayaker
- Summer Wesson - crew
- Shawn Gallagher - land screw
Swim Parameters
- Category: Solo, nonstop, unassisted.
- Rules: MSF Rules of Marathon Swimming, without exception or modification.
- Equipment used: One porous swimsuit, one swim cap, goggles.
Route Definition
Glorietta Bay Park, counter-clockwise around Zuniga Jetty and Coronado Island, to Gator Beach @ Avenida Lunar.
- Body of Water: San Diego Bay and Pacific Ocean
- Route Type: one-way
- Start Location: Glorietta Bay Park (32.675060, -117.167979)
- Finish Location: Coronado Shores Beach (Gator Beach) @ Avenida Lunar (32.673774, -117.172072)
- Minimum Route Distance: 18.6 km (11.6 miles) (map)
Swim Data
- Start: 27 November 2020, 08:00:00 (Pacific Daylight, America/Los_Angeles, UTC-8).
- Finish: 27 November 2020, 13:54:33
- Elapsed: 5 hours, 54 minutes, 33 seconds.
Summary of Conditions
Feature | Min | Max |
Water Temp (F) | 59 | 62 |
Air Temp (F) | 58 | 68 |
Wind (knots) | 0 | 6-8 |
GPS Track
Trackpoint frequency: 15 minutes. Download raw data (CSV).
Speed Plot
Nutrition: warm coconut soup broth, warm CarboPro, warm water, Gu
Observer Log
Swimmer Statement
What inspired you to do this swim?
Since Covid shut down many organized swims in the past year, it was exciting to hear about a swim that was available and challenging, but achievable. I’m aiming for the Catalina Channel next summer, but haven’t done a big swim in many years, so wanted to gauge my current abilities and resilience to cold.
Please describe how you planned for the swim.
I train regularly in the ocean without a wetsuit and have been swimming with a Masters Team in the pool. Also, going longer and longer in the open water. And experimenting with different hydration/nutrition options.
How did the swim go, generally? Did you face any unanticipated challenges?
It was a tandem swim with another swimmer, so right off the bat I needed to move quickly to stay warm and she was moving at a slower, steady pace. I had to slow down to stay with her and it created a situation in which I was battling the cold the entire swim.
I also felt bloated from my feeds, which I learned were way too long, and also contributing to the cold. Many lessons learned.
I’m pleased to have finished and feel good about it. I felt strong and capable of the distance, but learned I have a ways to go with managing the cold. Recovery was good, too.
Thank you, Dan Simonelli!
Click to enlarge.